
To make a Qeo-enabled application, follow this methodology as a guideline:

  1. Define what your application needs to do:
    Define what kind of information needs to be exchanged, what your application needs to do with it and how it should react to the data.
  2. Determine the topics:
    Determine the data types or topics your application needs in order to accomplish this. What parameters do they have? Are they state or event topics? If you have not done so yet, read the Qeo System Description for more information on this.

  3. Define and describe these topics:
    Use the Qeo Data Model (QDM)  to clearly define and describe the needed topics. 

  4. Translate the QDMs:
    Use the Code Generator to translate the QDMs into C code objects.
  5. Import the translated objects;
     Import these objects in your application code.

  6. Set up the Qeo factory:
    For more information on how to set up a Qeo Factory in a C environment, go here: The Qeo Factory in C

  7. Create Readers and Writers:
    Create Readers and Writers for the topics you defined. They can be Event or State
  8. Add your application logic. 

Make sure to read the Best Practices and Tips for Qeo Enabled Apps in C