Qeo Open Source Project Documentation : Qeo C (Native) Developer Guide


This document is not a complete guide on how to do development in C. It provides details specific to developing Qeo-enabled applications.

Getting Started

Here is what you can do to get started:

1. Get acquainted with Qeo

Before you can do any kind of development in Qeo, you need to familiarize yourself with its concepts and structure. To do this, read the documents in the General Documents section. Specifically, you should start with the Qeo System Description for a general outline of Qeo and the Introduction to Qeo Security for a description of its security setup and contents. If you get lost in concepts, consult the Qeo Glossary.

2. Download and Install the Qeo SDK

If you have not done so yet, now is the time to download and install  the latest version of the Qeo SDK. 

3. Learn how to use the Qeo SDK for C development

You can find specific information on how to use the Qeo SDK for development  in C here: Using the Qeo SDK for C.

4. Install and get acquainted with the Qeo samples for C

Next, you need to familiarize yourself with the specifics of developing Qeo-enabled applications for Android. To help you do this, we provided a number of sample applications. Below is an overview:

  • QSimpleChat Applications: 
    Basic chat applications. The purpose of the QSimpleChat applications is to show you how you can build a simple messaging system using Qeo. Step by step extra functionality is added. We recommend you start here. QSimpleChat provides the basics for using Readers and Writers. QSimpleChat-policy provides a more complex design using Qeo Policies.
  • QGauge:
    This application is more complex and monitors the throughput of the network interfaces of different devices in your network in real time. This demo illustrates how the Qeo State behaviour can be used to implement the Observer Pattern for real-time monitoring.
  • QWebview:
    This application provides a simple webview in which you can incorporate Qeo-enabled Javascript-applications on your device using QT WebView. For more information on Qeo-enabled JavaScript Development, refer to Qeo JavaScript Developer Guide.
5. Prepare your devices for Qeo

You need to take certain steps for your your devices to be able to run Qeo applications. Go here for more details: C Porting Information.

6. Make your applications  Qeo enabled

Before you can start developing Qeo-enabled applications , you need to know how to make them Qeo-enabled. For more information on this, go here: Start Developing a Qeo Enabled Application in C



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Using Qeo Data Models and the Code Generator

Qeo is a data-centric system. This means that your applications will be reading or publishing pieces of information. An important part of designing data-centric applications is modelling the data it will exchange. One of the major advantages of Qeo is that you are able to model your data indepently from your chosen development environment and language and automatically translate it into matching code, in this case Android code:

  1.  To model the data, use the Qeo Data Model. To get acquainted with it, read the Qeo Data Model (QDM) Developer Guide
  2. To translate your QDMs into C Code, use the Code Generator